What You Should Not Buy For Your Newborn

What You Should Not Buy For Your Newborn

The first few months with a newborn baby are exciting but also very overwhelming. You want to do everything you can to make sure that your little one is happy and healthy, but it's easy to get carried away with all of the products on the market. There are so many things out there that claim they'll make your life easier or help your baby sleep better. In reality, most of them aren't worth buying (and some aren't even safe!). 

Here's my list of what not to buy for your newborn:

Changing Table

One of the biggest mistakes I made when preparing my newborn's room was buying a changing table. It's not really a space saver, since you'll need to store diapers and wipes on top of it, and it's not really necessary: your baby can be changed on a flat surface (like a bed) just as easily. Plus, changing tables are expensive! If you're looking for something that will save space and money and still get the job done, I recommend getting an inexpensive dresser or chest with drawers instead.

Wipe Warmer

Wipe warmers are a waste of money for your baby. Wipes can be stored in the container they come in and then run under hot water to heat them up. They will be just as warm, if not warmer than a wipe warmer that costs you $30-$50. You can also use a paper towel to clean your baby's bottom as it works just as well.

Diaper Disposable System

There are some things that you don't need to buy for your new baby. If it's something you want or would like, go ahead and get it, but don't feel like you have to. It's also important not to let people push their own opinions on what you should be purchasing for yourself or your child.

One example of this is diaper disposal systems. These are expensive and may be unnecessary for most families. You can simply put the dirty diapers in a garbage bag and throw them out with the rest of your trash outside! There are also many ways to reuse these diapers as well - if they're not in use anymore, get creative! You could try using them as rags around the house or make them into compost (if this is allowed in your area).

Special Baby Deterrent

Baby Deterrents, such as the Baby Shusher™, are not necessary and can be unsafe. The Baby Shusher™ claims to help babies sleep through the night. However, it does so by emitting high frequency sounds that are supposed to mimic a mom's heartbeat, but in reality just make them feel trapped in an Orwellian nightmare. This can cause serious injury when they try to escape by bashing their heads against the wall or clawing at their own eyes until they fall out of their sockets.

Also keep in mind that there's no way of knowing if you're getting one of these "special" products without actually taking it home first!


The bassinet is not a safe place for your baby to sleep. It has a low height and can cause suffocation if your baby's head gets stuck between the mattress and crib side rail, or if they roll into a position where their face is pressed against the mattress. Bassinets also do not have enough space for your baby to move around in, which can make them uncomfortable when lying down. Bassinets are expensive and take up space in your house, especially if you want more than one. If you're looking for something portable that will help you keep an eye on your newborn while he or she sleeps, consider buying an extra crib instead of two separate items: one crib plus a bassinet; this way there won't be any confusion about whether or not it’s time for bedtime yet!

Expensive Crib Bedding

The safest place for your baby to sleep is in their own crib. To keep them comfortable and safe, you must use a firm, tight-fitting mattress that fits snugly inside of the crib with no gaps. The crib should also have no soft, fluffy or loose bedding. This includes pillow-style mattress pads, comforters and pillows as well as blankets other than crib sheets (see our article on how to choose the right blanket). If you do not have a sheet that fits snugly over your child's body when they lay down then it can cause suffocation or entrapment. The best way to keep your child cozy while still eliminating these risks is by laying a plush bath towel over top of them instead of using blankets or other loose fabric pieces that could get wrapped around them if they move around during sleep time.

High Chair

If you have a small apartment or limited space, the idea of buying a high chair may seem like an unnecessary expense. However, it's important to note that many babies will not use a high chair until they are 6 months old. If you plan on feeding your child solids before then, you need a way to keep them upright and comfortable while they eat. You can always put them in their car seat or bouncy chair if they are too young for solid foods; simply transfer them into one of these items once they're ready for their first bites!

While these products take up less room than standard high chairs, they still don't fit well into tight spaces—and since most parents don't want any part of their home looking like an airplane waiting area (with all those cushioned seats), this shouldn't be an issue for most families anyway!

Baby Food Processor

Baby food processors are not a necessity. You can make your own baby food with a blender or buy ready-made purees from the store. These machines are expensive and will likely not get much use after you start solid foods for your child. Save your money for something else!

Don't worry too much about having every single thing that you think you need because these are the items that are not really as useful as they seem.

Your new baby is going to be so cute and sweet, it's hard not to go overboard with buying things for them. In the early days of your baby's life, you'll see a lot of people giving advice about what to get for them and what not to buy. You will no doubt want to buy everything on their list! But as time goes by, you'll find that some things were really unnecessary or even harmful products that should be avoided at all costs. So here are some things that are not helpful or worth buying:


Don't worry too much about having every single thing that you think you need because these are the items that are not really as useful as they seem. In the early days of your baby's life, you'll see a lot of people giving advice about what to get for them and what not to buy. You will no doubt want to buy everything on their list! But as time goes by, you'll find that some things were really unnecessary or even harmful products that should be avoided at all costs.